Traduit par OJY

« Partout dans le monde, l’Église est appelée à chasser les démons, non seulement des individus mais aussi des nations. Dieu veut que l’Église règne, qu’elle lie les principautés et les puissances ayant autorité et qu’elle détermine la politique des nations. » – I. Schmidt (en référence à l’effort de prière uni que Dieu a utilisé pour faire tomber le mur de Berlin et finalement l’Union soviétique en 1989-1991)
Chers frères et sœurs en Christ,
Dans une semaine, des centaines de leaders dans le ministère et d’intercesseurs de nombreux pays se rassembleront à La Haye, le centre du droit international où siègent la Cour internationale de Justice et la Cour pénale internationale. Nous nous réunirons sous la direction du Seigneur qui a été donnée il y a un an à Jack van der Tang, un homme de Dieu néerlandais qui s’est senti poussé à commencer à organiser « Le Procès » sans savoir que l’attaque du Hamas contre Israël le 7 octobre allait arriver deux mois plus tard.
Les explosions d’antisémitisme parfois violentes dans de nombreuses régions du monde ont été si scandaleuses et étonnantes alors qu’Israël tente simplement de se défendre contre une menace existentielle posée par ces extrémistes génocidaires. Pourriez-vous s’il vous plaît prier avec nous, du 2 au 4 juillet, pour ce moment important de prière et d’action alors que nous recherchons l’intervention surnaturelle du Seigneur pour changer les attitudes haineuses et biaisées dans ce centre du droit international et dans d’autres institutions mondiales, comme en particulier les Nations Unies qui a pris majoritairement le parti du Hamas contre Israël.

Nous prierons également pour le salut du peuple juif et sa réponse croissante au Messie Jésus. Plus précisément, pourriez-vous s’il vous plaît prier pour sa forte onction sur le programme, les présentateurs et les participants ainsi qu’une porte ouverte avec une réelle ouverture de la part des juges de la CIJ pour recevoir le décret international que nous allons tous signer et leur présenter ? La prière pour la protection de tous dans les voyages et pour cette initiative contre tous les intrus, perturbateurs et agitateurs, et en plus pour les ressources restantes nécessaires, serait également très appréciée.

Une autre préoccupation majeure de la prière internationale est la prise de pouvoir mondiale que les Nations Unies tentent encore de réaliser pour établir une gouvernance mondiale, un « nouvel ordre mondial ». En cas de succès, cela éliminerait la souveraineté nationale et placerait toute l’humanité sous un régime dictatorial unique. Ils préparent le « Sommet du futur », les 22 et 23 septembre à New York. Soyons d’accord sur le fait qu’eux et l’Organisation mondiale de la santé ne pourront rien faire après leur tentative infructueuse de le faire par le biais d’un traité sur la pandémie il y a quelques semaines lors de l’Assemblée mondiale de la santé à Genève, que beaucoup d’entre nous ont repoussée en prenant autorité dans la prière et Dieu y a répondu. (Voici une interview du commentateur américain Glenn Beck, qui explique la portée de leurs intentions tyranniques

26-06-2024 02:31 skrev John Robb:


« All over the world the Church is called to cast out demons, not only out of individuals but also nations.  God wants the Church to rule, to bind principalities and powers with authority, and to determine the politics of nations. » I. Schmidt (in reference to the united prayer effort that God used to bring down the Berlin Wall and ultimately the Soviet Union in 1989-1991)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

A week from today, hundreds of ministry leaders and intercessors from many nations will gather in The Hague, the international law center where the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court hold sway. We will come together at the leading of the Lord that was given a year ago to Jack van der Tang, a Dutch man of God who felt prompted to begin arranging « The Trial » without knowing that the October 7thHamas attack on Israel was going to happen two months later. The sometimes-violent outbursts of antisemitism in many parts of the world have been so outrageous and astonishing when Israel is simply trying to defend itself against an existential threat from these genocidal extremists. Would you please pray with us, July 2-4, for this important time of prayer and action as we seek the Lord’s supernatural intervention in changing hateful, biased attitudes in this center of international law and other global institutions, such as especially the United Nations that has in its majority taken the side of Hamas against Israel. We will also be praying for the salvation of the Jewish people and their growing response to Messiah Jesus. Specifically, would you please pray for His strong anointing on the program, presenters, and participants as well as an open door with real favor by the judges of the ICJ to receive the international decree we will all be signing and presenting to them? Prayer for protection in travel for all and over this initiative against all intruders, disruptors and agitators, and additionally for the remaining resources needed would also be very much appreciated.


International Court of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands

Another key international prayer concern is the global power grab the United Nations is still attempting to pull off to establish global governance, a « New World Order ». If successful, it would eliminate national sovereignty and put all humanity under one dictatorial regime. They are planning the « Summit of the Future », September 22 and 23 in New York City. Let’s please agree together that they along with the World Health Organization will not be able to do anything after their failed bid to do this through a pandemic treaty a few weeks ago during the World Health Assembly in Geneva, concerning which many of us pushed back in authoritative prayer and God answered. (Here is an interview by American commentator, Glenn Beck, who goes into the significance of their tyrannical intentions. )


United Nations, New York City, September 22-23, 2024

Let’s continue to pray for a great spiritual revival to spread in Europe and America. Already there are some encouraging signs that the Lord is answering our and many others’ prayers to that effect. Here is a short article about that: Here in the USA, two National Prayer Assembly colleagues, Terry and Barbi Franklin, are leading a « monumental and even nation-changing » month of repentance, prayer and fasting for the state of Tennessee sponsored by their governor and legislature for the entire month of July. More details at: www.PrayforTN.US  Pray for special wisdom and grace for them and the governmental and pastoral leaders as they hold a « Solemn Assembly » on this Friday, that it will be a powerful, glorious time. May it  spread to other states with governors being willing to support such initiatives, catalyzing national revival!



« Historic and Glorious Revival Fire Spreads Across Europe », Intercessors for America, June 13th

Finally, we are called to pray as members of His « house of prayer for all ethnic people groups » (panta ta ethne in Greek of Mark 11:17) for real mission breakthroughs to happen among each of the almost 5000 Frontier People Groups. They are the least reached with the Gospel, only one Jesus follower per 1000 on average. More than anything else Jesus wants His Great Commission accomplished and the first step is praying that He will send forth workers into His harvest field and that these people groups open their hearts and minds to receive Him. More than anything else, this is the passion of His heart for our world. Please check out the article on our website TransformationPrayerFoundation.orgabout how you, your church or prayer group can adopt one or more of these for breakthrough prayer. It could prove to be the most important thing you have ever done for the Lord in your life and ministry!



Unreached people groups and the location of some of the largest almost 300 Frontier People Groups (


Other Resources for your interest:

  • Video about the UN International Prayer Initiative, 2009– a video about how the Lord brought together hundreds of His people from many nations who came to New York and prayed inside the UN, including a number of ambassadors, about world issues. Let’s pray for a repeat!
  •– for valuable information, videos and other resources about the Unreached Peoples of our world.

Thanks for your partnership in seeking and trusting our awesome Father God, the Creator of more than 100 billion trillion stars, of which our Sun, solar system, and Earth are but tiny specks. Amazingly, He has given us His authority to pray for still unimaginably great breakthroughs, including the binding and overthrow of our enemy, « the evil one », and especially to fulfill His Great Commission for the unreached ethne, all of whom He wants in His Eternal Family.

As a brilliant, Jesus- following scientist put it: « Because prayer is extra-dimensional in its reach, it must be considered the most powerful capacity God has made available to us. »  (Hugh Ross, astrophysicist, So, brothers and sisters, let’s use that capacity that we all share more and more!

Yours in Christ,


John Robb